The average house price on ALDER DRIVE is £196,056
The most expensive house in the street is 3 ALDER DRIVE with an estimated value of £223,817
The cheapest house in the street is 4 ALDER DRIVE with an estimated value of £154,889
The house which was most recently sold was 6 ALDER DRIVE, this sold on 1 Nov 2019 for £166,000
The postcode for ALDER DRIVE is SY5 0AT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ALDER DRIVE Semi-Detached £201,566 £139,995 7 Aug 2015
3 ALDER DRIVE Semi-Detached £223,817 £127,000 31 Oct 2008
4 ALDER DRIVE Semi-Detached £154,889 £120,000 29 Jun 2017
5 ALDER DRIVE Semi-Detached £194,911 £155,000 27 Apr 2018
6 ALDER DRIVE Semi-Detached £205,097 £166,000 1 Nov 2019